WZZA Advertisers have three options to pay invoices. Pay by credit card using our PayPal account. Click here to send payment through PayPal. Please include a message to identify yourself. Pay by using Zelle, @Toribailey@wzzaradio.com, or Cash App, $SouloftheShoals.
You can see what the WZZA Team is doing by checking out our Facebook. We also love to interact with the public and hear what our listeners think! So, visit or write us at:
1570 Woodmont Drive
Tuscumbia, AL 35674
(Mon – Fri, 9am – 4pm)
We will be happy to work with you to advertise your business, organization, or event. Sales queries should be addressed to either ToriBailey@WZZARadio.com or to one of our team members at Sales@WZZARadio.com.
All traffic related questions, such as questions about avails, affidavits, and scheduling of commercials, should be sent to Linda Madden Johnson at Traffic@WZZARadio.com.
For music promotion, questions about music tracking, or to send your music in a wave file, email Darryl Luster at Programming@WZZARadio.com